Inland Lake Vehicle Underwater

Recently I went hunting again around Inland (Loon) Lake, and located with the help of Peter Diana and his trusty boat a vehicle that is underwater. It was thought to be a Model T or something but after looking at its length and construction its possible but I believe its a truck of some sort. The wheels are steel with rubber around them, the frame badly twisted sits at the bottom of the lake in 15 feet of water about 150 feet from shore.

2014 Update:  Research has indicated that this is actually a 1920’s dumper truck, this truck had a manual crank pulley system to lift and lower the dumpbox.

Here is the underwater footage, enjoy

About OldFart

I was born in Powell River, British Columbia and have been a part of it since 1965.
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2 Responses to Inland Lake Vehicle Underwater

  1. Margy says:

    What kind of underwater camera do you use?

  2. OldFart says:

    The type of cam i used is a Chinese Made Drop Underwater cam, brand name unreadable. It is attached to a video line which I fed from the cam monitor into my laptop which I process into a movie preview. I wish I had a model number to show you, but maybe I can upload a pic of the cam first chance I get.

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