Stillwater Logging Camp

Stillwater was a logging camp, in its heyday was one of the largest settlements north of Vancouver, its only rival was VanAnda which eventually surpassed it.  Logging in the Stillwater area has been going on since 1890, and even to this day Stillwater is a log sort for Olympic Logging, as well as a Hydro Power Plant for Powell River Energy. The pictures you are about to look at are all that remain of the original days of the early 1900’s, its all that remains and in the not to distant future pictures like this is all that will be known. I walked the entire south area, and have yet to venture into the north area, within this area is the very last known building, this building built with beach rock, and cemented is so hard to see you can stand beside it and not even know its there, its location is within 50 ft of the log sort. As well in this area are two rather large metal tanks, unknown use but presumed to be some sort of bouys, there is a video available for the building and the tanks.  Enjoy the pictures and the videos.

Youtube Tank Video:

Youtube Building Video



Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

Designed by Tim Sainburg from Brambling Design

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Suicide Creek Nov 11 2012


On this day I revisited the Suicide Creek RailBed, this is a trail that is well travelled by hikers, and bikers and has a few branches off but the original railbed travels for 4 km towards Lang Creek and Suicide Creek and BlackWater Creek.


I have walked a few branches off of this trail bed and have found a few interesting things but this was the first time I ventured to the end where it branches off to go to other trails. Its a rather nice walk, some small hills and a few smaller crossing  but along the way someone had already found a old railroad track and placed it for others to see.


Walking a bit more I saw another branch that has not been walked in many years, one I will maybe have to come back for one day.

but further along more items were found, some one does not think to find in the back country, a shovel, a brick.

Walking for about another 20 minutes I came to the Junction, here you can go further, back,  or to another trail head, and even here there were signs of the past.

I didn’t go further, it was late in the day, I had two dogs with me and only an hour of daylight left, so back the way we went, another day, another trek.

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On a recent trip to Vancouver Island we travelled 170km of old roads between Rock Bay and Browns Bay, and one of the last things I ever expected to find on this trip was a Hovercraft. There is a small bit of history behind this one I am sure, but what I can say is that it was built in the 1960’s and was used by a water logging operation. This was a home made Hovercraft, which housed a 454 engine which when fired up sounded like a jet engine taking off, totally made from fiberglass and plywood, and scrap metal and of course a home made airbag plowed the Coast between Port McNeil to Campbell River in the 1960’s and ended its life in about 1976. Today it sits in a small remote area between Elk Bay and Browns Bay rotting away however when you look at the pictures, pay really close attention to the dash, it really made my day.. enjoy the pictures

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Elk Bay – Stella Lake – Rock Bay Vancouver Island

Recently I took a quick small trip to Elk Bay and Stella Lake on Vancouver Island, this area was a well known area back in the late 1800’s for its logging with trains and donkeys, however we did not find that much. A few small items scattered about, however when we were travelling up the Rock Bay Road we did come across the remains of an old railroad tresle that was sitting right beside the road, for me that was like finding gold. Not many pics here but enjoy just the same.

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Heather Main – Theodosia Inlet – The Shovels

In May of 2012 we ventered up Heather Main in Theodosia Inlet, its a logging spur, we rode looking for some old abandoned Shovels, we didnt get far then, we hit snow at about 1600. In August 2012 we returned, and found them, and they are very nice machines, past there prime and abandon on the side of the road now. One appears as if you could restore it and use it, not worth it cost wise Im sure, anyhow enjoy the pics and the video.

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Blue Trail – Logging Grade

Near Duck Lake sits an old logging railway grade, still extremely well used these days but by people walking, horses, some mountain bikes and a odd quad.  This logging grade was the main grade for years out of Duck Lake which went down to Myrtle Rocks, but what most do not know it also went right into Westview. Long since abandoned as a railline, it was used as the road to duck lake from Paradise Valley via through West (Hammil) Lake.  I went for a walk down this grade, a spectactular level grade with a few surprises along the way but very few artifacts.

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Chippawa Bay – Powell Lake 1978

Ive always gone into the backcountry, years ago I ventured into Chippawa Bay on Powell Lake, I had my camera, my trustie Kodak 110 with a whole 12 picture capacity and went for a walk.  Well first I had to go for a boat ride, a friend of the time Steve Wilson went with me up Powell Lake in a 12 foot boat and a 7.5 motor, I was 13, he was 11 (wouldnt get away with that today) and we went looking for this steam donkey in Chippawa. That trip was 34 years ago now, but I still remember it well which is good, well keep reading you will see.

We arrived at Powell Lake about 7 am, my dad put the boat in the water and told me he would be back at 5pm, so off we went, a 7.5 horse goes about 12 knots with two people in it, and it took about 35 minutes to go from the Shingle Mill to Chippawa Bay. The location was easy to spot, because 35 years ago you could still see the line in the trees, the line is the old logging line, from miles away it was visable, today, I can still see it,  sort of.  When we arrived I took the pictures you see, on the shoreline were old wheels, and a set of wooden lined tracks, moss covered. I searched around and found the old dump, I would come back I said, and up the hill Steve and I walked. We followed the tracks, up, up and up, then a ravine, and a beautiful old tresle was still standing, we could even walk across it, but I went below it, and took 2 nice pictures, then up the other side.  On the other side was a small timberframed structure, I never understood its meaning or use, so a picture, that made 7 pictures.  Up Steve and I walked, it really wasnt that far but took us about an hour and some to get there, then, the Steam Donkey was before us, click, 8, click 9, click 10, oh  look over there a building, inside was a huge stove, table and chairs, and dishes,  click 11, click 12, clickack, clickack, I was out of film.

We walked around and looked, and then we headed back down, myself taking mental images of the walk, still vivid inside my head, useless to anyone else really. On the way down I wanted to walk across the tresle, so I did, about midway I slipped and went to a knee, and as I did, my camera was in plain view falling towards the bottom of the ravine.,  NOoooooooo.  I went back and then down, found the camera, broken, I wrapped it up tight, put it deep in my pocket, and we went down to the boat. We arrived back down at The Shingle Mill at about 4:30 pm, and waited for my dad to come get us, which he did.

I sent my film in to be developed, only 4 pictures survived that fall,  4 out of 12, I was devastated and I said I will go back with more film, and more walks, and more looks, 35 years later I never went back, I will though, yes,  yes i will, I will walk up the same way, if I can find it, alot logged off now, but I will just the same.  Not much in pics for this post, mostly the story. but enjoy

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Romantic Gorge


Ive no idea where the name Romantic Gorge came from, the view from the bridge is more fearful in height and lack of width that its definately a gorge, romantic? well I dont know. What I do know is that it holds a huge amount of history, originally the trains travelled downside the gorge, switching from one side to another towards Stillwater, later in the years it was the main road to the Lois Dam (Gordon Pasha Lakes Dam was the original name) and thousands of people have transverse up to the dam or across the bridge up Lois Lakes. The Gorge holds another memory, a memory of a time that it was once socially acceptable to dump anything you didnt want there, over the bank, from cars, washing machines to small appliances to jars and junk.  When I was young, our cars were always what was called 4th hand cars, meaning we were the last people to probably own them because the other owners have given up on repairing them. So when these cars needed repairs, I recall my dad taking me to Romantic Gorge, I always liked the bridge view but the logging trucks used to barrel through there so I had to stay off it (well I would sneak on when my dad was busy). My dad would climb down over the bank of the gorge and look for the car parts he wanted. Ive help pull out transmisson, engines, rear ends, fenders and more from that gorge. In a old way we helped clean it up as we needed things lol, but 60 or so years after the Gorge started to be filled with garbage, its all still there, rusting away, slowly sliding down the side of the gorge and Im sure being washed away during high water times. Here are some pictures of what its like this day being May 20 2012, enjoy the pics even though its a sad reminder, its still part of the history, one Im glad is becoming a vanishing history.



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Olson Valley Homestead – Layout Picture


In the previous post, if you read it and saw the pictures you were looking at a homestead, so far un-named. In this post there is but 1 (one) picture and that picture is the layout of the homestead, not to scale and certainly some guesswork as to what certain things appear to be.  I do alot of these general layouts in drawing, and I do them so when I return I may see areas I wish to look further into, and I never post them. This one however I am posting, why? because this was someone home, people were maybe born here, grew up here, an entire life could have been lived here in an era when this was a bit of a wild frontier Canadian style.

In posting this picture of the layout, Im hoping that someone will recognize it, know the real layout, tell me the story of the lives here, because in the vanishing history of life, these are the things really lost, these are the important things to remember, ..  the people … .

If it was not for the people who settled Olson Valley, or Powell River or so many places like them for a new life, a new begining, I can say without a doubt I would not be writing this article on this post on this website on this computer situated in Powell River BC Canada, I may not even have existed. And since I feel like I matter, I also feel that the people of Olson Valley, and the ones who lived on this particular Homestead matter, so share the knowledge and extend their memories, however little you feel you know everything shared is 100% more than we know now.

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Olson Valley Homestead

The last time I was at Olson Valley was about 1979 – 1980. It took me a while to remember some things and apparently not much of my memory is accurate, comes with age I guess. However we did find a homestead, it was  decided we needed to go down this one side road, de-activated and a bit steep, his quad of course, no problem, my little Honda Bearcat 350 has a louse centre of gravity and of course I have it loaded to the hilt. So up this little spur we go, come to the end and were about to turn around when we spotted a small trail and we decided to follow it, low and behold we came across a homestead.  There are too many pictures I took so I didnt label them all individually but in some you can see clearly what they are, and in others you will have to really look, but some are the old building footprints, and others appear to be a very flat area, unsure why, and why the trees are the way they are. In the Moss Tree Forrest it gets a bit creepy like your walking into the past.  Any how enjoy the pics, if you have been here in the years past, heres an update on what its like now.  By the way, they came withing 200ft of logging this old hom

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